Simple comments on Acts 1:6

Acts 1:6 "So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?”" ESV

  • This verse is part of the conversation that the disciples had with the risen Lord Jesus
  • The disciples of the Lord Jesus were Jews
  • The Jews of the time of Jesus and the apostles were under Roman rule (the Roman Empire had control over their land and people)
  • Many Jews (including the disciples and like other oppressed people around the world and throughout history) longed to be free from their overlords
  • When the Lord Jesus was resurrected from the dead, this encouraged the disciples to think that He would utilize his power and authority to restore the earthly kingdom of Israel
  • This hope seemed feasible because the Lord Jesus was a descendant of David (a beloved and great warrior king of Israel's past)
  • Even though the content of most of the sermons of the Lord Jesus was about a kingdom - He was not talking about an earthly kingdom
  • But Jesus was, in fact, bringing a spiritual kingdom by the work of the Holy Spirit working in and through the lives of His witnesses (Acts 1:3, 7-8)
Photo by Dave Herring on Unsplash
