What is true revival?

My thoughts on true revival.

True revival is trusting and knowing that the Holy Spirit convicts us and the world concerning sin, righteousness, judgment and repentance because He is already here. True revival is faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in repentance and obedience of ordinary Christians in daily life. True revival is listening to the Word of God from our local pastors in our local churches and going out on the weekdays to obey the Word of God in all the places of life - even when we are uncomfortable or shunned or made fun of or physically persecuted for being Christians. True revival is worshipping God in spirit and truth, without one betraying the other.

God is God, God is present and God is sovereign, whether we feel these things or not. If we seek spiritual experiences other than true revival then we have been led astray. A different spirit or the flesh has seduced us to go after burdensome pursuits, emotional lies, questionable experiences, confusing practices and faith-draining disappointments. This is the very meaning of being biblically Pharisaical. To make the Law of God of no effect through this strange tradition of revivalism.

Is not the Christian who is faithful to the Gospel of Jesus by repentance and obedience already revived? Is not the Biblical exhortations and encouragements from our faithful pastors already enough for a revival? Why are we seeking to blame God for not adequately entertaining our emotions when He has already done enough; especially through the life, teachings, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ? Why are we seeking an occasional "touch" when seeking to faithfully glorify God in our ordinary works of life is the Biblical status quo?

When will we realize that true revival is available to us here and now in the ordinary everyday life? When we do our chores, when we go to our places of study, and when we go to our workplaces, in the everydayness of our lives. If we realize this, then we will have truer versions of our emotions, experiences, faith and witness - with all the risks and sacrifices it demands. And with all the sweetness and joys it holds. True revival seeks to glorify Jesus by the Spirit with repentance and faithfulness when we enter the world after Sunday; not only when we sing our songs in our churches with all the feelings attached to them.
