I love the King James Version of the Bible. It really is a gem of English literature and an excellent English translation of its time period. My first Bibles were an old red small Gideon's New Testament Bible (KJV) and another KJV Bible. I treasured these so much. But somebody pinched my Gideon's Bible and the other KJV is falling apart since that time. I received an RSV from my Sunday School as a prize and loved it as well. About this time I started reading my native language Bible as well. Then came an NIV Bible, and then others.
It suffices to say that I am not a "KJV only" person. And when I discovered KJV Onlyism I became less friendly towards the KJV because of what I still think is an unsound emphasis on its importance (and other reasons too). Although I would defend its validity when it was appropriate, I would altogether abandon it for the NKJV, the NRSV (at seminary), the NASB95 (because of seminary), even the ESV (after seminary), and others.
Yet, the KJV still remains popular among many and it also turns up in conversations because of all the Bible study resources based on it that are available freely online and in mobile apps. Because of these resources, I have experienced my share of amusing, and exploratory conversations on KJV words and their meanings to clarify confusion and to correct erroneous conclusions among those who would grace me as their Bible teacher.
And also recently, my love for the KJV has somehow been rekindled, hence the opening sentence of this write-up.
Thoughts on the KJV naturally take me to thoughts on the KJV words such as the "thee's" and the "thou's" and other obsolete or archaic words. There are helps for KJV readers to avail online and in print to help understand the usages and meanings of these words (and phrases too!). I will list at least four below that are available to me, though I'm sure there exist other helps as well.
1. A Basic Overview of KJV English found at https://thebookwurm.com/kjv_thee.htm or https://thebookwurm.com (Help Menu)
2. The King James Bible Companion by David W. Daniels found at https://thebookwurm.com/kjb_comp.htm or https://thebookwurm.com (Glossary)
3. The "Words That Have Changed Meaning" by the American Bible Society found on page 1494 of my softcover binding Rainbow KJV Study Bible by Holman Bible Publishers (ISBN 978-1-5864-0633-2). It is different from 1 above and I cannot find this material anywhere online.
4. Mark Ward's 50 False Friends in the KJV videos on YouTube. Ward also has a great video on this issue of loving the KJV, it is called The KJV Is the Best Bible Translation!
I love the KJV because it was my first English Bible. I love how it sounds when it is read aloud properly. I love its history and place in English literature. I love that many of my favourite Christian authors and preachers from the past have used it to inspire others to live for Christ.
But the KJV is not my main translation for study though I love it so much. I will read it for some more time in my life but it cannot take that important place. Actually, it never did! I always remember comparing it with my native language Bible and learning from these endeavours. Although, I would sometimes come to some embarrassing conclusions by making these comparisons when I was younger yet I now thank God, though unaware for a long time, for the kernel of thought that existed in me about this important step in Biblical exegesis. I am happy to have forgotten all those embarrassing conclusions!