Clouds Without Water

I am not a Calvinist or a cessationist, but I do recommend all open-minded continuationists to give a listen to Justin Peter's Clouds Without Waters seminar. It is so tragic that some demonize precious people like John Calvin, Justin Peters and others without ever reading them or listening to them. According to Steven Hassan in Combatting Cult Mind Control cults or cult-like organizations do this type of demonizing or name-calling. They do this without presenting any actual facts.  It is actually called slander/lying, it is not spiritual or Christlike. It is also called laziness, not discernment. If we have to criticize someone's actions or teachings we have to do so responsibly with facts, constructively and without apology for the truth. I think Justin Peter's does this as accurately as is possible for him.

Justin Peters, of Justin Peters Ministries, suffers from cerebral palsy, yet he is "an evangelist with two earned seminary degrees, known by many around the world, and widely regarded to be the foremost authority on Word-Faith, one of the most egregious and widespread heresies in the world today" (from his own testimony). Justin Peters is really an inspiration to the rest of us. He loves expositional preaching/teaching from the Bible. And with reference to present-day Christianity, he works to expose modern-day charlatans, false prophets, heretical teachers, and almost heretical teachers! Clouds Without Water has been presented at various churches over the years. Below is the latest presentation that is online (January 2022) filmed at Grace Harvest Baptist Church, Amelia, Virginia (USA).

Clouds Without Water playlist:

Clouds Without Waters - Introduction   (

On James 1:26-27 Pure and undefiled religion (

Clouds Without Waters 1 Dangerous Doctrines and Hearing from Heaven (How to know the voice of God, How to know when God is speaking to us? How to hear the voice of God? ( (Hearing from Heaven starts at about 1:32:45 - direct link to that time is

Clouds Without Waters 2 Mangled Manifestations (

Clouds Without Waters 3 The Hurt of Healing (


Justin Peters calling our false teacher Todd Bentley: If you don't know, Todd Bentley was prayed over by Che Ahn, Rick Joyner, and other false prophets/apostles at a revival in America to be the next great leader or catalyst in the Christian world - but it turns out that Bentley was allegedly already in adultery while the services were happening. Some people remember the exact day of this prayer, prophesy and laying-on of hands as the Charismatic Day of Infamy (23 June 2008). They have since tried to restore Bentley to ministry but I don't think he or the people helping him have any sense of what biblical restoration/redemption/repentance is (I hope and pray that they do it so before its too late).
