For those who do not know what e-Sword is please visit the e-Sword website to learn more about this free Bible study software and its other great and many features that are not mentioned here.
I have been using e-Sword for more than a decade now. Or even more. It is the best free Bible study software. In my opinion, it is the best one among the ones that are free. A combination of many features makes it my favourite. The following are a few reasons why I think this is so; and also some of my thoughts about what feature I would like e-Sword to have.
1. E-Sword is easy to use. One only needs to download and install the software to start using it. One does not need any tutorial to learn about how to use e-Sword. But there are training demos as well as a User Guide (Contents... F1)for those of us who need them; these are accessed from the Help menu. Links:
2. The notes may be shifted. The notes (including Journal, Study, and Topic notes) may be easily shifted to another folder if the user wishes it so. I do this to keep these notes in a folder in my Dropbox folder. Then I go to Options > Resource Settings and change my User Files Location to the folder in Dropbox. E-Sword accesses these notes directly from this folder. That means that the notes are not only automatically backed up but also updated every time I add a note to any of them without any hassle. And we don't have to keep changing the Files Location once it has been set.
This is an important reason for me because I don't want to lose all my study notes whenever my 10 years old laptop decides to give up.
One can also change the Resources Location too! That is, we may also change the location of Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, etc. But I don't use Dropbox for these resources because the file sizes are too big.
3. The editors are word processors. The editors for Journal, Study, and Topic are rich in features. A few of these are a thesaurus, insert (hyperlinks, tables, pictures), printing and a tool to link to a verse(s) from the note called Scripture ToolTip.
4. Additional help and resources. Users who need any technical support or who have a suggestion for e-Sword may contact the creator (Rick Meyers) through a form accessed from the Help menu and website. There are many advanced level e-Sword users who help out the novice users at (under User Group accessed through Help menu). There are also additional resources or modules available through this
5. Customization. One can change the font settings and the display settings according to their own preference. Not much, but what is needed has been made available to the user. Additionally, users may also learn how to create their own modules.
I like e-Sword very much and I thank God for Rick Meyers and the many great users at for all the resources that have been made available to us.