A study on Ezra 1:1-11 (whole chapter)
1. Introduction2. God is Sovereign
3. God Stirs Humans
4. Humans Serve
5. Humans Support Each Others
6. Conclusion
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Helping hands Photo by Branimir Balogović on Unsplash |
1. Introduction
The following study, although not exhaustive, is also a summary of the book of Ezra. I suspect that the same themes will be repeated in the rest of the chapters of the book, with exception to a few new ones. The fact that God is sovereign over all is something that should give us hope - especially in this global pandemic. And rather than just looking to satisfy our inner longings we read in Ezra that we ought to long to do God's will, and to encourage each other. The book of Ezra is focused upon returning exiles and restoring temple worship - I have not yet touched upon these and the principles we derive from these facts. Furthers studies will dwell upon these. I have chosen to draw out just the few principles that was seen in the first chapter.
2. God is Sovereign
God is sovereign and He fulfills His word in His own time
The fact that God is sovereign confronts us in a unique way through the book of Ezra and other similar books (Nehemiah, Esther, etc.). God is sovereign: He chose the time to speak through Jeremiah and He chose the time to fulfill it through the edict that King Cyrus gave and by the actions that followed. The uniqueness is clear in that God moved actively behind the scenes through human agencies - this revealed that He truly is sovereign.
Jeremiah prophesied about seventy years before the events revealed in Ezra and Nehemiah. He talked about the coming of the Babylonians, their eventual defeat and also the return of the Jewish people. See Jeremiah 25:11-14; Jeremiah 32:36-38 and other related scriptures.
When it was time God stirred up King Cyrus to fulfill the word that He gave through His servant Jeremiah (Ezra 1:1).
The people in exile have suffered much. We do not know how difficult the situation was for them. Those who believe in God's promise of restoration may have wavered a little while waiting for their fulfillment. Some may have even given up altogether. Yet, God was still sovereign, and in His sovereign timing He chose to act.
We do need to follow all the protocols as given by the health experts and the government in our present pandemic situation. There may be fear and panic because of the Coronavirus, we must ask ourselves if we truly know that God is sovereign over the pandemic and over our lives. We do not need to fear and panic without cause. Even if there is serious cause to fear and panic - God is still in control.
When everything went wrong, the psalmist in Psalm 46 said that the Lord was his refuge and strength and he will not fear. Even if we die, God is still in control, therefore, even death should not make us afraid.
3. God Stirs Humans
In His sovereignty, God uses human agencies to fulfill His word.
God uses kings, officials, and even unknown people to fulfill His will. What's more interesting is the fact that He uses even those who do not necessarily believe in Him in the same sense that we do believe in Him. He stirred up King Cyrus's spirit (Ezra 1:1). He stirred up the spirit of the Jewish leadership (1:5). He caused Mithredath, the treasurer, to obey the King (1:8). He even used the people to encourage the returning people (1:6).
How did God stir up the spirits of these people? God has his way to speak to the hearts of people. God has his way to move us. Even those who don't believe in Him have a purpose in His plan.
How does God stir us up today to do His bidding? The most important way God does this is through what Jesus has done for us on the cross - to save us from our sins. If this does not stir us up to do what is good then we have not understood the first thing of what it means to be a follower of Christ.
4. Humans Serve
When the sovereign God has stirred up the humans, they in turn go and serve Him. Ezra 1:1-4 tells us that King Cyrus responded to the Lord's stirring by giving a proclamation that would start the ball rolling. He even gave instructions to his treasurer, Mithredath, in this regard (v8). The heads of the households of Judah and Benjamin and everyone responded to the Lord's stirring by arising, going to Jerusalem and to start the rebuilding of the temple.
God uses people to fulfill His word. Humans serve God to fulfill His word. To serve, to obey and to do his bidding.
Service is tainted nowadays. It is done only for photo opportunity or media points or social media likes by the rich, the famous, the powerful and even some of us. And when the cameras are taken away the service either stops or sours. Those from among them, who are sane, serve regardless. God uses these more effectively for His purpose. May God bless them.
We are not required to build a physical temple. Yet, service among the Christians ought to be done to serve, to obey, to do God's bidding. To help build His spiritual temple and kingdom. Not just to get praise from people but to bring honor to God. Not just to serve people but to serve people in order to glorify God.
The Gospel should stir our spirits to do God's will. The Gospel is first of all about confronting our sins with the Law of God. Then it is about trusting the sacrifice of death that Jesus made for our sins upon the Cross for our forgiveness and salvation. It is also about having hope upon a risen Saviour who will come back one day and perform his judgment upon the world. But it does not stop there in grace, mercy and what we ought to believe. The Gospel is also about discipleship, fellowship and doing good deeds. And its 'doing' that is our focus here. It is of no use if we believe the gospel if we do not do good deeds - it proves that we have a hole in our gospel or that our gospel is false.
In relation to the present situation in the world we see that God has stirred up many to respond with kind, money, and their time. The many volunteers, health workers, police, local leaders and others have come forward to serve humanity. May God bless them. Hopefully, we too, are doing our part.
5. Humans Support Each Others
Humans encourage and support each others. When one is going to serve there are others who support. We read in Ezra 1:5-6 that when some of the exile were leaving for their homeland, 'All those about them encouraged them with...' (NASB) their gifts to take with them. Going from Babylon, under Persian rule, may have been easy because the Persian king was sympathetic towards them. But the encouragement they got from those round about them was also meaningful and less tiresome.
How do we encourage each other? When someone is doing God's will, the one who encourages him/her is also doing God's will. There are many examples from the Scriptures and from our experience that those who stay behind are as valuable as those who are at the front lines. Doctors have shown their placards on social media and the news that says, 'We stay at work for you, you stay at home for us.' This is a great illustration of this point.
We need to support and encourage people in whatever way we can. By giving our time and other gifts. This pandemic will pass, it would be even more meaningful and less if it passed by by our words, deeds and gifts of encouragements.
The understanding that God is sovereign is a driving force behind Christian life and Christian service of any kind. I suppose that we need to learn more about this doctrine in the days to come. Humans must respond responsibly to the stirrings of God during this global pandemic. Christians already have the Gospel to wake us up if we are not already awake to serve our fellow citizens. What an encouragement it would be if we all did our part.